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On the Table Conversation State Fleet Electrification A Joint NCSFA/NASCA Webinar
Thursday, January 16, 2020, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT
Category: Roundtable Webinar


On the Table Conversation: State Fleet Electrification
A Joint NCSFA/NASCA Webinar 

January 16, 2019

(Government Members Only) 

A growing number of states have been tasked by their legislator and governor with implementing electric vehicles into their state fleet. To overcome hurdles such as acquiring new vehicles, creating charging infrastructure, policy-setting, creating fiscal models, and working with the agencies they serve to implement this new technology, department directors and fleet administrators are finding they need to collaborate. But, what are the best practices for successful collaboration? 

This discussion-based webinar will feature state directors and fleet administrators sharing how they are working together to tackle challenges including, but not limited to, electrification. It will also cover insight on how fleet fits into overall department strategy and what directors and fleet administrators should know about each other to navigate changes to the transportation industry and state government.

State leaders will also hear representatives from the National Governors Association (NGA) on their work related to state fleet electrification captured in their recent whitepaper

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